Monday, January 16, 2012

To cheat....or not to cheat....

The tension, the wanting, the urge. A passionate craving for that one act of lust and danger.
Rebellion and it's consequences pay no conscious to what is going to happen when you put two fed up motherfuckers together. Sick or tired of the relationships they are in to just forget and give into whatever is offered to them.  Sex? Companionship? Care?
When everything has little or no meaning to the word ''love''. Why shouldn't you just do it.
Do it.
Lying down on your back or zipping down your pants to the sacrifice of what is sacred and healthily moraled.
A one night stand or eloping. Whatever you do to get out of what you are in.
Is cheating the answer?
Sure it maybe helps. Yeah it might ease the pain inside.
But will it always? Is it something you can give a good excuse too?
In your opinion maybe. Yeah.
Then why are you even thinking twice about it? Go ahead. Do the dirty and man up.
Cause. What is there to loose?
Dignity? Honor? The one?
Maybe. But when did cheating have to mingle with being right?
Because no one is in the clear zone when you have the blood of whatever you killed on your hands.
What do you kill by cheating?

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