Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey blog readers

Recenlty my mother has been tracking down my family's history and turns out im not only el salvadorian, peutro rican, mexican, and spanish. But im german jewish and austrian( you know like the hills are alive from the sound of music) plus french and irish. This is what i don't understand though that why does it have to be so complicated and complex about one nationality or enthicity. I mean when people ask what I am I proudly say ''I'm a Latina'' and then I think i'm other things as well. But why can't they ask who I am becuase then i know excatly what too say and there are no doubts, my name. But it's not like that, so don't get me wrong my family's past is so very interesting and important but I know who I am. It's not like I need some backround check.

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